Stanford neuroscientist's 'assembloids' pave the way for innovative brain  research - Scope

Stanford neuroscientist's 'assembloids' pave the way for innovative brain research - Scope

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A Stanford neuroscientist has led the development of a novel brain research tool for understanding diseases of brain development.

How assembloids are changing the future of brain research

Stanford-led center honored for innovation in educational neuroscience

Engineering brain assembloids to interrogate human neural circuits

How assembloids are changing the future of brain research

Frontiers Organoid intelligence (OI): the new frontier in biocomputing and intelligence-in-a-dish

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Media Articles - Pasca Lab

Highlights, Page 2

Innovation & Technology Archives - Page 4 of 20 - Scope

Neuroscience Stanford Emerging Technology Review

Assembloid models usher in a new era of brain science

Bruce Goldman, Author at Scope

How assembloids are changing the future of brain research

Neurobiology Archives - Page 4 of 13 - Scope